Disney Star Wars Fans Try To Cancel RK Outpost, Other YouTubers

SJW’s Target Me, Other YouTubers For Cancelation | Disney Star Wars Fans Lie In Disgusting Hit Piece

A disgusting hit piece has been published by left wing activists, intended to defame and deplatform myself and all others involved. These people are so bitter and upset about the failure of Disney Star Wars, that they will try to lie and smear anyone who holds a different opinion.

The attack comes from a small podcast called Rewriting Ripley, hosted by 2 women who do not give their full names to protect themselves from the inevitable backlash after publishing blatant lies. The relatively unknown podcast had only published one episode prior to releasing the over 15,000 word article and accompanying podcast, which somehow covers topics ranging from Gamergate, to the alt-right, to former Trump Advisor Steve Bannon, and attempting to tie everything and associate it with the outspoken critics of Disney Star Wars. They use flawed methodology to try to “prove” that The Last Jedi wasn’t as divisive as we all know it was, and label nearly everyone who disagrees with them an Alt-Right or Radical Right wing personality.

Normally, no one would take people like this seriously, but the tweet and video linked below (which heavily features manipulative video clips of myself) has gained a decent amount of traction. I encourage you to watch my video linked above, and see the disgusting, blatant lies that these pathetic people spew as they try to paint a narrative that is demonstrably false.

Ryan Kinel – RK Outpost: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP5gBSMw84NLljMLNqa09sQ
RK Outpost Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwWrYxKOhl6z94KEKpAYQA
RK Outpost Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzpEJpnj-0lzCAtUmukLkng
RK Outpost Odysee: https://odysee.com/@RKOutpost:9
RK Outpost Live Odysee: https://odysee.com/@RKOutpostLive:9

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Geeks + Gamers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMvVQIAfsGwzrfPLxiaIG8g
Sports Wars: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGcW1IvvBzwUgOPNQsbUSSQ
G+G Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geeks_and_gamers